Sunday, June 3, 2007

Month of Movies: June 2007

Sorry for the lack of posts guys, I've been sick all week long and just haven't been up to it.

But I'm back now, so for today, I have a place to post all you're most anticipated films of the month. Instead of dealing with this on a week-to-week basis, I figured we could just wrap it all into one month-long look forward.

Also, I'll be back tomorrow with a place to post your recent watches for June. From there we'll continue with more topics for the month.

And after a while I'll be back to praise the bejesus out of Knocked Up - also the only movie I've been able to get to or see in a week. Feel free to beat me to the punch though.


chachiincharge said...

Lets see,..I already saw my most anticipated movie for the month which was "Knocked Up", but that will probably get its own post here soon.

So what else do we got.

Though I thought the second one was unnecessarily convoluted and lacked any of the fun of the first, I'm still looking forward to "Ocean's Thirteen". You can tell these guys have a lot of fun making the films and I love the look and style of the films and the trailers. Here's to hoping the can redeem themselves with the help of Pacino.

I don't have a lot of hope that it will be nearly as good as the first, but I'm still excited to see John McClane kick some terrorist ass. The movie looks too epic though. In the trailer he is at one point standing on a stealth jet jumping off of it. The jet speeds past a crumbling highway? Directed by Len Wiseman of the "Underworld" flicks? I think is will pale in comparison to the first, but at least we get McClane back. Also look forward to cameo from Kevin Smith.

"Iron Giant", "Incredibles",..two of the best animated flicks ever made in my opinion and the tie that binds is director Brad Bird, whom also helmed "Ratatouille". I love the trailer to this and can't wait for the movie. "Cars" was a great movie, but still probably Pixar's worst. I think this has a more creative premise to it. Love the voice actors. Love the director. Love Pixar. I'm there.

I'm also a big fan of Michael Moore. I know he fudges with numbers sometimes and he is big and fat and yada yada yada. But he makes very entertaining documentaries. His wit and style is very refreshing. Besides I usually agree with the guy, so it's not like I'm being converted by his stuff. So I'm looking forward to "Sicko", which I think will be much less controversial. Whether your red or blue, you gotta admit we have an awful health care system.

Some smaller flicks I want to see are:
-Frank Oz's "Death at a Funeral"- which had a hysterical trailer
-Eli Roth's "Hostel Part II"- I just read a very positive early review though one early scene I saw was way too masochistic, but we'll see
-"Fido"-a world where zombie's are like pets! Sign me up!

Oh and Fantastic Four. Definitely Fantastic Four.

pengin said...

I'm basically gonna agree with everything that Chachi said. Knocked Up was by far my most anticipates film of the I just have to wait for Superbad.

I'm going to add a couple as well. First up, Surf's Up. Not going to be that good....but it stars pengins....and I love pengins.

Second, I'll go ahead and put Evan Almighty up here. I liked Bruce enough. I don't think this is going to do all that well...considering the gigantic budget. I love me some Steve Carell. And Lauren Graham is hot.

Finally, despite my near hatred of most Steven King adaptations...I'll mention 1408. I'm in love with John Cusack. And Samuel L. Jackson is the coolest mother-fucker on the planet. And it also features the always awesome Tony Shaloub. On the downside....Stephen King adaptations normally suck my nutsack. And it's directed by Mikael Hafstrom, whose last contribution to film was Derailed.

Oh....and Fantastic Four. The first one wasn't retarded at all.

Brian Mulligan said...

Obviously I can't help but tip my hand a bit with the posters I picked to represent the month, but Knocked Up, Ocean's Thirteen, Ratatouille and to a certain nostalgic extent Live Free or Die Hard a.k.a. Die Hard 4.0 would be my top choices for the month.

Then there's Sicko which is something I'll catch on DVD. Ditto Mr. Brooks.

And to a certain extent, I would also like to see A Mighty Heart, 1408 and Evan Almighty solely for Steve Carell.

So, there are a lot of films coming out this month that have me at least partially interested in them, but how many can get me out to theaters remains to be seen. I went for Knocked and was pleasantly rewarded, but that was only after suffering through Pirates 3 the week before. So who knows? I'll more than likely catch Ocean's Thirteen this weekend in spite of my 'eh' reaction to Twelve. If it's a fun little romp, that's all I'm expecting. Like I've said - or at least should have said before - Bourne Ultimatum is the only real sequel that I have high expectations for.

Die Hard 4 can be dumb, and ludicruous, and have Kevin Smith saying "who IS this man!?", and it'll still be John McClane kicking some ass and letting me remember all the good old days where we had Arnold and Bruce and the like kicking ass every other week in the multiplexes and at home on my TV.

And with Ratatouille, it's Pixar. That's the only name in animation that will guarantee a watch for me, and really they're the only ones who do it right.

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