Sunday, April 8, 2007

It's about Damn Time!

Finally a true horror film. After years of hearing about the Westboro Bapist Church, Kevin Smith's upcoming "horror film" entitled Red State will take the piss out of these evangelical pricks.

Westboro Bapist Church runs and They reside in Topeka, Kansas and only have a small community mostly made up of only a dozen families (God only knows how much incest is going on). Yet these hate mongers consistently get news coverage. They have protested soldier burials and the Katrina rescue because they believe that our acceptance of homosexuality in America is the cause of all the trouble in the world. Apparently every sin in the bible somehow stems from homosexuality. When a business man beats his wife in a coked up rage, its because of guys making out with each other. Whenever a woman is raped, its because that man actually is gay. When a terrorist flies a plane into the WTC, its because the whole building contained a whole mess of gays and the terrorist was doing God's bidding.

These people are just about the worst thing I can think of, and I'm so thrilled that Kevin Smith plans to rip them a new one. His film is based off their ideology and their head preacher Fred Phelps will be the basis for the "villain." It won't be your typical horror picture. Maybe know one actually dies. But it will show you something truly scary. These people are real. They have an agenda and they intend to see it through. The scariest thing for Smith is how these people manipulate the government into believing their beliefs. Ambitious horror film for sure.

No doubt they will protest it, but hopefully this will just promote the film that much more. No such thing as bad publicity right. This probably is a personal vendetta for Mr. Smith. His brother is gay, and I sure he wants to bury these people as much as I want to. I didn't really know what to make of Kevin Smith doing a horror film. I thought it would be a schlocky homage pic that he grew up with much like Grindhouse, but he thought outside the box. I'm excited not just because it is a Kevin Smith film, but because of the thought of just how pissed off these homophobic dicks will be when it is released.


pengin said...


Carol said...

Wow can these people be any more ignorant? Protesting soldier burials what kind of shit is that? I can't wait to see this film now. I hope someone is standing outside protesting it as I'm going in...they may just have something heavy thrown at their heads.
Yay for Kevin Smith =)

Brian Mulligan said...

Honestly, I still don't know what to think of a Kevin Smith horror film.

He chose his villain well, but not being the diehard Smith fan that some of my fellow posters are, I'm not exactly waiting in line at the ticket counter for this film.

Truth be told, I think Smith is in a Shymalan-like rut and hasn't produced a good film since Dogma, which itself is nearly ten years old.

As I've told Chachi in the past, I think Clerks II was a solid-if-unspectacular film until the ending flushed it all away (and no, I'm not just talking the donkey scene).

Plus, having recently seen the second of the Evening with Kevin Smith films... I don't really like Smith himself all that much. He seems kinda smug and very, very thin-skinned. Hell, on an episode of Roeper & Whomever, he was the guest and dared to chastise Roeper for liking Music and Lyrics when he gave a thumbs down to Jersey Girl in the past.

Well, admittedly Music sucks, but Jersey Girl was nothing more than a made-for-TV film with 1 scene of Smith's patented dialogue. I'd also give it a thumbs down.

And honestly, until he can prove me wrong (and I honestly hope he does since I really enjoyed Clerks and Chasing Amy), I'm not overly anticipating any of his films.

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