Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Your Completely Topic-Free Discussion Forum for Anything and Everything Entertainment-Related during October

Since I felt that we were getting a little too specific in our topics... mostly discussing a specific film at a time ("In the Screening Room" and "Married to the Movies"), I felt that we needed more of an open-forum area for discussion on whatever topic we so chose. A place for us to write about something that we feel like debating, whether it's completely off topic from the other posts or not. Thus the wordily-titled "Your Completely Topic-Free Discussion Forum for Anything and Everything Entertainment-Related during October."

And I'll start off the discussion this month with an example of how non-essential this topic can be taken... in the event that The Darjeeling Limited opens this weekend - and in the event it opens only in DC... I think we should get a roadtrip up there to see it. There are so many films I've been missing out on recently that I need to see (Eastern Promises, Into the Wild, 3:10 to Yuma, In the Valley of Elah thus far) that I don't want Darjeeling added to that list. When it opens, I'm all over it. I know Rebecca is up for it if we can work out a time. Let's get it together. Ditto The Assassination of Jesse James.


chachiincharge said...

I'm all for it.

Pengin and I have been to E street cinemas a few times in DC. They are just about the best location around here for small releases. Friday they get Darjeeling and also have Into the Wild playing. Unfortunately Jesse James isn't there, but I imagine that will get a wider release since Brad Pitt is in it and all.

This weekend is another tax-free week at Best Buy, so I will be working 25 hours in two days. But maybe during the week or the coming weeks to follow. Don't know what your job hours are, if they are the regular 9 to 5 or what. I'll let you know what my schedule looks like next week.

Don't have to worry about pengin's job ever getting in the way. He works like 4 hours a week. :)

On a completely unrelated note, but I guess that is the point of this post, the new FOO FIGHTERS album is fantastic. Quite the eclectic mix with a great use of both electric and acoustic within the same songs. I'm a FOO apologist, but I have nothing to apologize for here. It really is solid in my opinion.

chachiincharge said...

Oh also I wanted to brag a little bit. This past weekend I got to see Kevin Smith again. He was doing a book signing in Red Bank. I know some posters here are not the biggest fans of his work, and I can respect you for that, but you have to admit nobody appreciates their fans quite like Kevin does. Last year he signed autographs for over 18 hours at a free event. Not only that, but he takes his time and gives you a one on one chat albeit for only a few minutes, but nonetheless he listens to you. You never hear about Scorsese doing something like that.

In his new book, which is just a collection of his blog entries, he has an entry about the '06 free signing event that lasted 18 hours. In it he says "By the time i signed for the last guy (whose sentiments made my morning) it was 4 am today." I was that last guy. That sentence alone makes him one of my heroes.

Brian Mulligan said...

Yeah, I may get on Kevin Smith for some of his films and his sometimes way too thin skin when it comes to criticism... but I will admit there is no other director/writer/actor who puts himself out there for his fans more than Smith does. The guy does autograph signings, podcasts, posts to his website, interview sessions, writes comics (or at least did) and when he finds time he even makes a movie. In that regard, yes, Kevin Smith is the man.

At the same time though, I don't think there's anything wrong with an actor/writer/director who does the complete opposite and shuns the spotlight. I like the enigmas. The P.T. Anderson's, Terrence Malick's and Jim Jarmusch's who don't seem to revel in the spotlight they just happen to find themselves in. They show up every few years with a new movie, do a few interviews and then disappear again until the next one. There's something to be said for keeping a little mystery.

Then there's the regular spotlight-grabbers like Matt Damon and Clint Eastwood who are routinely pleasant to everyone but just happen to grab a little more attention then they'd probably like.

It's the people who sign autographs one day and then would blow those same people off the next that really irritates me. I guess it's a case of two extremes... either go all-out one way or the other. Or at least just be consistent... and Kevin Smith, definitely, would be one of the consistently good guys.

And that's absolutely awesome about the blog/book comment Chachi, very cool.

Brian Mulligan said...

I don't know if I can wait on The Darjeeling Limited. I can't really pull a trip during the week because I work in Arlington from 7-4:30 everyday and by the time I get home it isn't until 6:15. So to turn around and drive back up to DC after that (I take a vanpool, so I couldn't just drive from Arlington to DC either) would be kind of a hassle. Plus, I might have to go back to PA next weekend which means this could be my best chance of seeing the film in theaters... so... I think I'm headed up there Sunday afternoon to see it. I'll be back on the boards here with reactions as soon as I do though.

We'll just have to postpone the roadtrip until No Country for Old Men or There Will Be Blood comes out in limited release. I'm dying for those two also.

Anonymous said...

All for "No Country For Old Men".

pengin said...

Wow....I haven't posted on here in forever. I'm a lazy bastard, so you'll have to forgive me. Anywho, I love E Street. Would love any excuse to go up there, so long as I have the money. Got a lot of stuff out in limited release that I'm dying to see, so sometime soon my friends, we need to get our asses up there.

As for entertainment related stuff, I'm gonna do a quick talk on TV shows.

South Park: Rockin' it as always. Tourette's last week, and tonight, Randy Marsh (arguably the best character on the show) takes the biggest dump ever. I'm a smart man, but I loves me a good poop joke. And no one does poop jokes better, or more intelligently, than South Park

The Office: 2 great hour long episodes down, 2 more to go. Great stuff. Creed with ink-dyed hair was fantastic. Meredith comes back tomorrow night. I'm gonna predict pelvis jokes a-plenty.

Heroes: Sucking hard right now. Don't care about those Mexican twins. Don't care about Nicky and Micah. Don't care that DL died. Don't care that Nathan can grow a beard. Don't like the Peter has amnesia storyline. Don't care about Claire in her new surroundings...its monotonous and boring. Don't really care for Hiro in old Japan. Good things: I like Parkman and Suresh with Molly. I like that Angela Petrelli might die. And I like the mini-bombshell they dropped this past episode (which I won't ruin for those with Tivo) involving HRG. Overall, very very underwhelming. How the hell is this considered to be better than Lost? Stupid american TV viewers.

Reaper: Loving this show. Tyler Labine is fantastic. I know some are worried it will become a "monster of the week" show, but I don't mind that. It's a fun show that has some great performances, and is a pleasant surprise coming from the bastard child of the WB and UPN. Plus, Kevin Smith is involved...as a good thing.

Oh... and most importantly...the trailer for the new Futurama movie, Bender's Big Score, is online. Fantasticness. Stupid Fox with their cancelling good shows. Futurama rocks, as will this movie. So watch the trailer and get excited. Nov 27th is coming soon

chachiincharge said...

Mulligan, I happen to have Sat off and was planning on catching a few of the flicks we got at the nearby shit theater that is the Fredericksburg 15. They got Michael Clayton, Jane Austen Book Club, We Own the Night, Across the Universe playing throughout the day and a sole showing of Valley of Elah at 10pm. I could see just about any of them. Not one of them really grabs me more than the others. So just let me know if you care to join and which ones pique your interest the most. Besides you may finally get to meet pengin,...only to be disappointed that is.

Brian Mulligan said...

I would love to come but Kelly and I are going to drive up to DC again this weekend. I've been dying to see Into the Wild so we're gonna kind of make a day trip out of it and go up in the afternoon, have dinner in Georgetown and then see the movie. I actually thought the plans were gonna fall through, but they're looking pretty solid now so I don't think I can make it.

I think I've also talked Kelly into seeing Michael Clayton tonight, so I'll have already seen that one.

I would have liked the chance to catch In the Valley of Elah and We Own the Night but it's looking like both of those are gonna have to wait... and really Into the Wild and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford are my two 'highest priority must-see-in-theater' films right now. Elah and We Own the Night are in the 'want to see, but not desperate to see' category at the moment.

As soon as Jesse James comes around though, I'm all over it if you want to see that one.

Brian Mulligan said...

Yo Ty, you working on Saturday afternoon? I'm heading to one of the local Fredericksburg theaters to see Gone, Baby, Gone while Kelly is dress shopping if you wanna go. Ted too. Let me know, I'm going either way. Can't wait to see this one and I was sure it was coming out in limited release so I'm psyched it's coming to town.

chachiincharge said...

I would love to dude, but that is my brother's 21st birthday. I'll be in Charlottesville the night before getting drunk with him and than I have to work open 930 to 430 on Saturday running on little to no sleep. I'll probably be too beat to see anything after all that.

Brian Mulligan said...

Alright, no big deal man. Haha, we'll work out getting to one of these films sooner or later.

Brian Mulligan said...

No Country for Old Men next weekend Ty! This is definitely DC-trip-worthy. What are your hours next weekend?

chachiincharge said...

I should be off Friday entirely, but I would be surprised if more local theaters don't get it. I think is has enough buzz and box office power to warrant a wide release.

But if not, I think Friday should work out, as that is the day it is released. Also want to see Before the Devil knows your Dead, which is in DC too. Have to work Saturday though so that won't work.

Brian Mulligan said...

Yeah, I'm gonna wait to see if it's only coming out in DC this weekend before I decide anything officially yet. But I thought Assassination of Jesse James would be coming nearby too and no such luck even with Brad Pitt as the star... so, I'm not holding my breath for No Country if it doesn't go wide week 1.

And yeah, I wanna see Before the Devil Knows You're Dead too, but I don't know about cramming them both in on one trip or not yet. Guess I'll have to wait until Wednesday or so to see what the showtimes are like.

chachiincharge said...

So it appears like No Country didn't get quite the wide release it so deserved. I think that is quite odd since I've seen a lot of TV spots and even Best Buy has Movie Cash for customers to see it for free.

Anyways I'm game for Friday. Making a trip to DC is a rare occasion so I tend to try to shove at least two shows in if I'm going to make the trip, but if you can't do it that's cool. Also if you turn out to be busy, that's cool too. I'm sure we will eventually get No Country. But than again I thought the same about Jesse James. Probably once the Globes happen we will get a better chance of seeing some of these films. I mean I still haven't seen Into the Wild or Darjeeling.

Brian Mulligan said...

Yeah, Friday's don't really work for me. Thing is, since I'm already working in Arlington (and don't have my car with me), I would need to make the 1 and 1/2 hour drive home to Fredericksburg, pick up my car and head back up to Washington D.C. Doing that all in the same night is a little too much, that's why I'd prefer to go over Saturday or Sunday. And I couldn't go Saturday anyway because of a party Kelly and I are headed to and Sunday I have to wait until my precious - but terrible - Eagles game is over (4 p.m.) so unless you want to try for a late Sunday trip, I think I'm unfortunately going to have to wait a week and head up next weekend for No Country and maybe Before the Devil too.

chachiincharge said...

Sunday is a no go for me. We have one of our ever so popular Best Buy meetings after we close, so that won't work. I really do think we will get the film down here soon, so lets hope I'm right about this one. I'm still behind on movies anyways. Still haven't seen Sense and Sensibility.

Brian Mulligan said...

So this past weekend didn't work... what about next Saturday? You working Ty? I am 100% going to see No Country next weekend. No doubt about it. Hopefully you won't be working all day and maybe we can fit in Before the Devil as well. Let me know if you can make it...

Oh and I'll get back to posting some things soon. I've let the site go a little stale and I've been busy being lazy too. I'll change that though and maybe post something tonight.

chachiincharge said...

Unfortunately my Saturday is shot. We have our famous Black Friday dry run in the morn and then I work that night. Still don't know about Sunday yet, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Why the hell can the movies I want to see not just be shown nearby? "No Country" looks like I could attract a sizable crowd, why the limited release?

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