Sunday, November 18, 2007

Month of Movies: November 2007

I don't think it's worth elaborating on every single release from the month because I feel that where they're placed in my categories pretty much speaks for itself, but I'll comment on the top tier and some other scattered releases from now on. Sorry - again - this comes so late into the month... at least I beat Thanksgiving.


No Country for Old Men - This along with There Will Be Blood and The Darjeeling Limited have been my most-looked-forward to movies of the year. I'm happy to say I finally saw it, a week after it's release... and it's another Coen's masterpiece. I don't know quite where it ranks in relation to my other Coen favorites (The Big Lebowski, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Fargo, Blood Simple and Raising Arizona) but it's in that distinction. If it weren't so bleak, it might have pushed Into the Wild out of my top spot for the year.

American Gangster - One of the best trailers of the year, a great cast, a great director... and a good film. It doesn't live up to the trailer (and removes some of the best scenes from it) but still a surefire good time at the theater.

I'm Not There - The first 'must see' that I haven't yet seen. Comes out on Wednesday and six different actors portray one of my favorite musical legends, Bob Dylan, including acting favorites Christian Bale and Cate Blanchett (wtf? she looks incredible). My hat off to Todd Haynes for even trying this gambit.


The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - Saw the trailer for this at No Country and it looks like a lot like the storyline for The Sea Inside (coincidentally with Javier Bardem). I haven't yet seen that one, but this one with it's mix of hope and faith intrigues me. Plus the way it's shot looks completely independent, retro and geektastic.

Southland Tales - Richard Kelly's Donnie Darko follow-up. It got roundly booed at Cannes. It got re-edited, re-cut, re-done and I'm still totally interested. If nothing else, it looks gutsy, like go-for-broke filmmaking and I respect that. We'll see if it amounts to anything.

Lions for Lambs - A lot more intriguing pre-reviews.


Margot at the Wedding
- For my money, Noah Baumbach's best movie is still 1995's Kicking and Screaming (NOT the Will Ferrell movie, if anyone needs me to clarify that). He has a very unique sense of personal relationships that comes across in the trailer. It's not a definite-see, but it's a definite-see-sometime.

The Savages - Philip Seymour Hoffman is enough.

Redacted - Brian De Palma might be past his prime, but I still generally find good in the bad.

Beowulf - The Polar Express turned swords and sandals fantasy. Not sold, but intrigued.

Bee Movie - Getting tired of these bugs, somebody better start swatting them. The only reason to see it is Jerry Seinfeld. That's not even enough for theaters...

The Mist - Frank Darabont did direct The Shawshank Redemption, right?

Fred Claus - It's teaser from a year ago looked much more promising than the actual trailer, how could they not come up with a single good clip in twelve months?

Awake - The concept more than the cast.


August Rush - One of those movies that just shows up in theaters without anyone really anticipating it, but might be a surprise?

- Feel good to the point of cheesiness? Early good reviews are making me more interested...

Hitman - Based on a videogame, why Timothy Olyphant, why?

Joe Strummer: The Future is Unwritten
- Yeah... maybe. I have no real reasons pro or con for this one.

Love in the Time of Cholera -
Mike Newell is a good director, Javier Bardem is a great actor, why don't I care?

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
- I didn't like Stranger Than Fiction... this looks worse.


Martian Child - I knew nothing about it last month... still nothing...

- Horror movie of the month.

Mama's Boy
- What?

Home for Christmas
- Double what?

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