Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Quotable Quotations: November 2007

Okay, so since everyone seems to be enjoying the 'guess the quotation' game, I thought I'd move it over to its own post (since I have no idea how it relates to American Gangster) and add a new rule...

Whoever guesses the quote correctly is in charge of putting up the next quote.

That should keep the game going and everyone involved. I'm already pretty terrible at it (yes I saw Heavyweights numerous times as a kid and still had zero idea where that quote was from).

Also, second rule, try to avoid 'The Google Factor'. I. E. googling it for the answer. I'm looking at you Rebecca, haha. I know you're good with quotes, but really who has quotes from Heavyweights burned into their brain? (Besides Chachi of course). I do suspect some foul play... haha.

Anyways, since she got the quote right, Rebecca's up first...


Rebecca said...

"Husbands should be like Kleenex: soft, strong, and disposable."

And I don't cheat, especially when there's no prize. So give me a little credit. But if a bottle of Bombay Sapphire is on the line, you can rest assured--I'll do what I have to. :)

Brian Mulligan said...

Okay, so apparently I underestimated your knowledge of the classic film Heavyweights. I apologize.

Further, I am adjusting the 'Googling' rule so that after 2 days without a quote being guessed, you can feel free to google the quote and throw up an answer.

I, for one, have never seen the movie this quote is from... but I'll give it another day to see if Tyler recognizes it before answering.

chachiincharge said...

I didn't recognize it myself, but I have seen the film a few times, but not in years. My brother is a big fan of the film and even he didn't recognize it, but he is nowhere near the quoter I am so I wouldn't expect him to.

And to let the cat out of the was Clue, the movie.

I remember liking it as a kid, and I do find the multiple endings funny, but I can't really recall much else except for the cast including the oh so underrated Tim Curry.

So I don't know who would be deemed next since no one really got it. I say Rebecca either goes again or your up Mulligan.

pengin said...

First of all, I'm proud to say that "Do it to it, Lars" is a favorite of mine as well. One the things that make Chachi and I such great friends is our shared love of Heavyweights.

Second, I'll give the next one, because I want to and none of you can stop me.

"You wanna be worshipped? Go to India and moo."

Brian Mulligan said...

Maybe this is why I didn't come up with the idea... I'm terrible at relatively obscure quotes.

Including pengin's, although I gotta say that's a great one and another film I have seen but still didn't recall the quote from.

Any guesses before it's unveiled?

Brian Mulligan said...

Well, apparently no one has any guesses for it... so, it's Quiz Show.

Next up will be a personal favorite, just full of potential quotes --

"You know why the chicken crossed the road? Because the road crossed the chicken."

pengin said...

Hmmm...I know which actor said it, but I'm not entirely sure on the movie. I'll leave it for another day or so before I take a stab at it though.

pengin said...

OK so it's been a full week now, I'll go ahead and give my answer for the actor, and guess on the film.

Actor: most definitely Delroy Lindo, don't ask how I know's just very weird.

Film: I was torn between Heist and Gone in Sixty Seconds. I'm going guess Gone in Sixty Seconds, because I only saw Heist once and don't remember much about it.

Brian Mulligan said...

Well, the actor is right... but you should have stuck with the David Mamet script as the source of any possible quotations because it's from the movie Heist.

You did mention it though and no one else even took a stab, so it's pengin's turn to post the next quote. Fire away.

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