Thursday, April 3, 2008

Death at a Funeral (Frank Oz, 2007)

Death at a Funeral is one of those ingratiating comedies that won’t settle for just being bad, it has to be confrontationally awful. Honestly, if this film were a man… I’d punch him. It’s not only unfunny in just about every imaginable way, but it goes for a consistent blend of cheap and grotesque laughs. Is an old curmudgeonly grandpa who needs help defecating and a man who accidentally overdoses on drugs (Alan Tudyk) and starts to hallucinate (a gag so hilarious we get to witness it twice) really the best they could come up with? Then, after he’s done sticking his head in the bushes, Alan also gets to strip down for a large portion of the film’s interminable 90 minute running time apparently because naked people are hilarious… especially when they’re on rooftops. This all transpires around the wake of a very fortunate individual who no longer has to deal with any of these people anymore and who’s only contribution to the film will be to be dumped out of his casket and have his memory smeared by photos that he had a secretive homosexual affair with a dwarf. Are you laughing yet? Peter Dinklage shows up to play the thankless dwarf role, only to be ogled, mocked, threatened and hand out a few acting lessons to the rest of this pitiful cast. The film is so shamelessly horrendous, I can only imagine that’s what they were going for. If so, congratulations.


Ryan O'Connor said...

Maybe you should stay in the realm of Billy Madison for you laughs. Poor thing.

Brian Mulligan said...

I love these people. They show up, make absolutely no arguments as to why they are defending a certain film and then accuse me of having an infantile sense of humor?

Well, then let me just say... "Stop looking at me swwwwaaaann!"

Anonymous said...

Well maybe people don't bother to make arguments because you've made it so clear that you hate the movie. What's the point? And your insults are rather immature.

Brian Mulligan said...

"You're right to not believe it, because I'm gonna go ahead and admit that I do not believe what I just said. It is what is described as 'a joke.' I'm gonna be telling a lot of them here tonight."
-David Cross

Seriously, how can people take things so seriously? It was a joke. I obviously want to hear from contributors to the site, I just don't understand people who would take the time to write on the boards, but not make a valid argument to defend their own point.

Whether I agree with them has no bearing on anything. If you're willing to write in, why not make an argument?

What I appreciate is the thought that goes into the posts, regardless of whether I believe in the opinion or not.

That's why I want to take this time to thank you Tyler, Ted, Rebecca and Kelly for the thought that goes into your posts. Hard Candy fans or not, I appreciate you guys making a case for the films that mean something to you.

Isn't that what this site should be all about? It's meant to trigger conversation and it just so happens that the disagreements result in more of it.

In the future fuchsia, I hope you feel welcome to comment, regardless of my regard for a film.

chachiincharge said...

Total agreement. Obviously we have disagreed on some films not the least of which is the current Hard Candy debate, but being able to talk intellectually about any film is half the reason I love the medium in the first place.

I remember when Sixth Sense came out and I rushed home to force my family to see the film, just so we can talk about how wicked cool the ending was. I was a bit of a bastard though as I ended up spoiling it for my younger brother. Sorry Tory, I know I deserve to burn in hell.

Everyone should join Mulligan and I as we do these Screening Room Sessions. It gives us all an opportunity to discuss in-depth the merits of one film. We all love the medium, but we all end up watching a lot of different films. The more the merrier.

Anyone else out there that has stumbled onto our little ol blog, please don't hesitate to participate. We welcome any comments, but please do explain your side. Go as in-depth as you like. I don't care if you did like Norbit, just be willing to back it up. We'll only respect ya for it.

Finally, love the David Cross quote Mulligan. I love that CD.

Oh and this post is about Death at a Funeral, so I should probably comment on that. Ahem....GREAT BIG PILE OF STEAMING WORTHLESS HORSE SHIT THAT OFFERS NO "NUTRIONAL" VALUE SO EVEN PRIMORDIAL FUNGI CAN SURVIVE OFF OF IT.

That was an understatement. I didn't think I could contemplate suicide from being bored and accosted by an 80 minute supposed film. Peter Dinklage and Alan Tudyk probably had to shower after making the film since they must have felt violated.

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed Death at a Funeral, as did all those I have spoken to about it. I would attempt to defend the film, but as you clearly hate it, I will fail in my attempts to change your opinion. The arguments I would use would be those that have been useless since the beginning of time, since nobody can uproot passion. I can only feel sorry for you and your unrealistically high standards, because once day, you will realize that there is no perfect comedy and maybe, constantly looking for the faults of other peoples' work is no way to waste your life.

Brian Mulligan said...

Again, another one misses the point.

Defending a film, weighing its pros and cons, its merits, is not about changing the opinion of the person you're discussing the film with. If you can do that, you're a much better debater than I am.

The reason I keep calling for someone to defend this film is to show me what they found appealing in it, not so I can rip them for it.

Yes, I hated the film. Do I care if other people like it? Not particularly.

What I am interested in is the different reactions that people have to the same film, especially ones as starkly different as my own to Death at a Funeral compared with all those who have shown up to defend it.

And whereas you say, anonymous, that "you enjoyed Death at a Funeral, as did all those that I have spoken to about it," myself, I only know 4 people that have watched the film thus far and each one has echoed my sentiments on the film and found it entirely unpleasant to sit through (Chachi, loved your wording on it, I couldn't have said it better myself).

Honestly, I don't know how I can say this more plainly. The only thing I'm trying to avoid on this site are self-righteous responses like "I can only feel sorry for you and your unrealistically high standards" line.

Then you are so bold as to proclaim that apparently you and only you hold the knowledge about the meaning of life, and that by looking with a critical eye at films and filmmakers... I will somehow have wasted mine.


I'm perplexed and frankly astonished that this film has such diehard supporters and am simply looking for someone to represent the other side of the argument, without resorting to mean-spirited, snarky comments that leave no room in them for discussion.

So, please, if anyone would like to have an intellectual conversation about this film - or any others - you are always welcome on these boards.

If your goal is just to write in about how much better your opinion is than everybody else's and make derogatory, attacking comments than please, keep them to yourself. I finished Junior High a long time ago and have no interest in revisiting its mentality.

The Gaz said...

Brian Mulligan,

I happened to come across this website by chance and I was absolutely shocked at your determinedness to hate Death at a Funeral. You say that you want someone to point out the good parts of the film, but this appears to be your only response to the people who have taken offense to your comments. You keep getting shut down, and you seem determine to be the "better man"; it is really quite pathetic. Death at a Funeral was a witty, simple comedy that did not need a massive budget or a star-studded cast to get laughs. The film did not go for cheap gags, and had many reoccurring themes and many subplots; all of which were tied up at the end. If you don't like a movie, that is the end of the story. Don't drag it out. And the fact that you keep responding to comments and that you even put your views on the internet in the first place proves that you are just up for a debate. So people who are reading this, don't bother giving Mr. Mulligan the satisfaction. Just let him be bitter and stubborn by himself.
Bree Gasm

Brian Mulligan said...

Okay, I started "The Film Script" as a forum for conversation on film (specifically between myself and my friends, but I also welcome anyone else's viewpoints who wants to post on the site).

So, obviously, yes, I try to respond to every comment on the site regardless of whether I agree or disagree with the viewpoints.

But since when is it bad to be the "better man?" To not let myself be lowered to levels where I'm calling people "bitter and stubborn" just because they have differing viewpoints on... a... movie?

That is the height of intolerance when you can't accept that someone may have a different reaction to something than you do and shows very little intelligence. Honestly, take a moment to think about it and what prompts you to comment on someone else's site with derogatory comments attacking them personally.

But hey, at least you tried to throw in a few thoughts on the film. So thanks. I appreciate it.

bridetobe said...

Wow. Okay, this is ridiculous people. Clearly, you are missing the point and badgering Brian for no reason. This movie is just plain bad. Yeah, you heard me. I said it. haha.

And it's fine to disagree and LOVE the movie for all we care. But the point of this discussion forum is to talk about films without feeling attacked for having your own opinion. Stop taking things so personal. Geez. And if you do like the movie, all Brian wanted was to hear WHY. It's not an unreasonable request. I didn't know that movies could strike such a heated debate.

The one thing I do remember laughing at was the accidental druggie, but this was by no means a movie that needed this much defense.

chachiincharge said...

Anyone find it funny that we probably have put more time and effort into talking about this film than the writers actually put into writing it.

Oh Snap, no he didn't.

The gloves are coming off now people. This blog was created for all intents and purposes simply for intelligent conversation about a medium we all hopefully appreciate. We are not here to beret anyone about their opinion whether we agree with it or not. Yet most of you want to start a fight about something we have no desire to get involved in. Well put your money where your mouth is.

Its so easy hiding behind your sticky keyboards and saying idiotic statements that empower you for all of a minute as you reward yourself a gold star for the day, when really we don't lose any sleep over your sarcastic remarks. Our culture has bred a new generation where we have grown up on texting and AIM, where now we simply say a dumb ass comment and go about our business, without any real conversation. To quote Kansas, "we are dust in the wind."


If you want that experience, go argue who shot first, Han or Greedo, and decide whether you should take your inhaler on your Boy Scout trip. Go sit at the kiddie table and let us grown-ups have a real discussion.

Anonymous said...

I would leave the whole 'film review' thing to the pros. Sorry =] But endlessly insulting a film wthout giving reasons just ... isn't a film review!

Anonymous said...

you know I think your all just a bunch of bloody tossers, you know that?
You especially Mr. Mulligan. Pull your head out of your arss for two bleeding seconds and realize that this embodies Brit Com. Crazy comes in the family. If you can't see that, americans are bigger wankers than I thought.

And also, dont go back on your word like you seem to be doing. If you dont like being told your wrong get a bigger spine, dont off and change your answers around.

Brian Mulligan said...

Again, two anonymous people show up and leave their points behind. Funny how no one can articulate a simple explanation as to the merits of this film.

The best they can come up with is British films are CRAZY!


Tom said...

Well. The OP is probably long gone, but to you reading this infantile review I just want to tell you to watch the movie. I think it's fantastic. The writing is hilarious, clever and the characters are completely believable. And what exactly was wrong with the acting!? The performances were excellent.

This is a great little film and far better than the average stupid movie-night comedy. Give it a rent some time, I promise you won't be dissapointed!

Unknown said...

I thought this movie was the funniest movie I've seen in years. Whoever wrote this antagonistic review has no sense of humor. In fact, after I write this comment, I'm going to sift through his other reviews to see what in God's name he thought was funny!

Anyway, if you want a really good laugh, see this movie & make sure you don't see the American version (no where near as funny).

mistinguett said...

This is a brilliant film that exemplifies British comedy at its best. And I'm American, so yes, we can appreciate British humor, too. The ludicrous elements in the film (e.g. the whole homosexual dwarf affair) are obviously in the spirit of them taking the piss and not to be taken seriously - it's a film! The cast is excellent. Haven't seen the American version but I'm sure it won't even hold a candle to this one.

Unknown said...

come on you guys everyone has their own opinion, right? for some the movie is bad and for the others is hilarious and that is that. why should there be fighting about it?it doesnt make sense really.

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