Monday, April 21, 2008

The Forums: Topic I

Topic of the Week:

Name a Movie That You Know is Awful, Without Ever Having Seen It
and try not to name the obvious ones (ex: Superhero Movie)


Rebecca said...

Awww...I was gonna post a pic so I deleted my first post but I can't figure out how...anyway...

The Hottie and the Nottie

Awesome topic by the way!

chachiincharge said...

Can I say Michael Bay's next film?

Torque, One Missed Call, Grudge 2, When a Stranger Calls, SAW V thru XX, The Wiz, um those were just a few quick ones. I'll post back with some better thought out ones.

Brian Mulligan said...

Sure, I know I posted the topic... but I'm actually having a tough time coming up with a solid answer for it.

For now, here's a couple 2008 summer flicks that - at least to me - look like total crapola.

Speed Racer
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
You Don't Mess with the Zohan

And the only one I'm really hoping I'm wrong about...

The Incredible Hulk

Oh, and Ty, being the only person on the boards who had nice things to say about Michael Bay's Transformers... no, no you may not.

chachiincharge said...

Yeah, but I think his next film is Transformers 2, and I really don't see him coming up with something that will entertain me twice. Plus anything he produces is shite too such as the upcoming Friday the 13th remake, directed by Marcus Nispel who shat on the Texas Chainsaw remake.

Brian Mulligan said...

Realized I never went back and added anything. I tend to do that.

How bout Batman & Robin? Or any of the Lara Croft films? Or any classic horror film's sequel, remake and/or prequel such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) or Exorcist: The Beginning?

Also, nothing to do with John Waters or Todd Solondz (outside of Happiness) has come anywhere near piquing my interest.

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