Friday, April 25, 2008

Lost - S4, E9: "The Shape of Things to Come"

Season 4, Episode 9 - "The Shape of Things to Come"


Rebecca said...

Oh my goodness! So many people are dying....

I for sure thought Claire was a gonner and the opening credits hadn't even finished rolling! Haha but then MIRACULOUSLY she was only passed out under a towel with a few scrapes even though the entire house was INCINERATED. Hmmmmmmmm....

Man, Ben's daughter--that sucks. And now he's gonna kill Penny! This episode shed some interesting light on Ben and Widmore's feud. Who really is responsible for all this? Was the island Widmore's to begin with or Ben's? I love that they can't kill each other.

Jack is sick...but I thought the island CURED people (Rose's cancer, Lockes legs, etc.) Perhaps Jack's tattoo "he is among us but he is not one of us" is coming into play. Jack is resistant to the island?

Why can only Hurley find the cabin?

Thank goodness we know how/why Sayid is in cahoots with Ben now. Poor Sayid. I mean, minus the whole fact that he used to torture people.

ALSO, Ben winds up in the Sahara Desert with a Dharma initiative parka on...suggests that he's not sure where the worm hole will take him? But also sort of explains how the polar bear ended up in the desert.

Definitely one of the better episodes this season.

Brian Mulligan said...

Okay, so I didn't like it as much as you did.

I really disliked the apparent connections between Ben and Charles Whidmore and that reference to "the rules" having changed... which implies this is some sort of elaborate game more than any sort of fatalistic series of events for everyone involved.

That twist in particular really soured me on the episode actually.

Plus, your aforementioned plot point when Claire miraculously survives her house exploding with her inside of it... or Sawyer running through a field of bullets without getting hit (the redshirts of course were not so lucky). This is the first time I felt the writers were going out of their way to keep their core "Losties" safe while - unsuccessfully - making it seem they were in danger.

Plus, does anyone really care about the death of Alex? I feel like the writers are cutting corners right now, killing off their least interesting characters (Karl and Rousseau would fit in this camp) just so they don't have to deal with them in the stretch run of the show. Isn't this supposed to be the show that surprises its viewers with its deaths?

Recently, including Jin's "death", they seem to be killing off fringe players at an alarming rate. I mean, who's next, Bernard? Rose?

This is making it seem like I didn't get any enjoyment out of this episode, which isn't the case. I'm just not sure how I like some of the show's developments. In future weeks we should get more of the connection of Locke-Ben-Hurley and Jacob, which intrigues me quite a bit. We should find out more about what the freighter crew is after. And I'm still waiting on what happened to Michael after Sayid and Desmond exposed him to the captain.

I liked Ben's shotgun under his piano bench seat, showing that he's always in control even when he appears to be helpless and the victim. He's definitely been pulling the strings all along and I'm beginning to doubt if Locke has any hope of outsmarting him.

Other things that interested me -- Jack's getting sick (note: the island heals you from injury and disease, but it never outright prevented either one), Locke in the middle of the Saraha Desert, the reasoning behind Sayid's new assassin role, finding out exactly what "the rules" are (maybe this will alleviate my concerns), and the seeming "control" Locke has over the smoke monster.

Like I said, I did enjoy the episode on a whole, but I'm nervous about the course that it has put us on. We'll see if next week does anything to rectify that for me...

bridetobe said...

I won't reiterate what's already been said. It was another good episode for "Lost." Just looking forward to this weeks...even though we all know Jack will be fine. I'm hoping for something with jacob and another cliffhanger. Shockers are always fun!

chachiincharge said...

Excellent episode...Loved the return of Smokey. Alex's death was so much more emotional than I would have anticpated, but than again that is just cuz Michael Emerson is a great actor. Great look at what is to come between Ben and Sayid. What is up with the clerk who was afraid of Ben as "Moriarty." That has piqued my interest.

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