Friday, March 7, 2008

Lost - S4, E6: "The Other Woman"

Season 4, Episode 6 - "The Other Woman"


Rebecca said...

This episode was a little predictable I thought. Like the set up of Kate getting knocked out by the red's Kate, she's an outlaw badass, she knows better than to crouch down with her back turned to her enemy. Seriously?

And allow me to quote a friend:

"Oh no, the gas is going to
explode...5...4...(wow look at the computer monitor, this is really
serious! It's in the red!!!)...3...(type faster while there is a gun
to you head, what should Juliet dooo??)....2....1....adfagafg (gas
chamber being rendered inert noise), everyone's safe!

Come on Lost, that's amateur."

And I'm like 99.99999999999999999999999999% certain the dude on the boat working for Ben is Michael. Which again, will prove to have been predictable if it turns out that way.

But I'll cut Lost some slack, they have us guessing so much that we can't handle it when we actually see things coming. (I say "we" but I mean ME)

Other than that, seeing further into Juliette's past was just okay but seeing Ben so vulnerable over her was interesting...and weird.

My thoughts on Whitmore doing everything in his power to find and exploit the island? Well, that would definitely make him Ben's enemy but I'm not so sure that makes him the survivors' enemy. Should be good to see that play out.

And then there's Claire's random "let me talk to him" spiel...that seemed a bit out of place and uncharacteristic of her...perhaps she'll be getting more plot time now and this is the writers' way of breaking her into it?

Last but not least,
Ben, "Did this rabbit have a number on it?...."
Locke, "What?"
Ben, "Nevermind..."

chachiincharge said...

Yeah, I didn't necessarily demand another "Constant," but this one was kinda lame.

Why tell this part of Juliet's story? Who cares that she is Bens? Lost is too good for a story as contrived as this one.

Also, why the hell did the Freighties not just tell Juliet and Jack what they were doing? It was absolutely asinine. There was no need to club both Juliet and Kate over the head. I really thought that was stupid and was only utilized in order to up the tension, when there was no need for it.

Did like Locke and Ben though as usual. They saved this episode from being a waste. Not only was it cool to see the Widmore video, but it was great seeing Sawyer's face as Ben is walking around camp free.

Hurley is "lucky" at horseshoes. HaHaHa

How did Goodwyn's wife (Harper I believe it was) get a message from Ben to prevent the Freighties from doing what they were going to do. He is locked up.

Seriously, how hard would it have been to say to Kate after she opens the duffel bag and sees the gas masks to just say "Hey, Ben purged this island by using gas once before, so we are going to head up to this Tempest Hatch and render the gas inert so he doesn't do it again. That's why we have gas masks. Care to join us buddy?" They writers created conflict when there wasn't one. I'm sorry, but this is probably one of my least favorite eps period.

Brian Mulligan said...

Gotta say, you guys did an excellent job recapping that episode. Pretty much every thought that I had go through my head during the episode ("What the hell is Kate doing?," "I guess Claire needed something to do," "There's no way this gas leaks," and "Just get it over with and let us see Michael again dammit," etc.) you guys covered in some capacity.

Definitely one of the weaker episodes of Season 4. All it really accomplished was showing 1) Juliet may not be as bad as we might have thought, 2) The freighter people may not be as bad as we might have thought, 3) Ben has a crush, and 4) Ben is as bad as we thought he is.

I still feel like they're doing way too much to undermine Locke's character too. I'm starting to think the writers are making up for him overcoming his handicap by giving him another one. What gives? Ben is playing the guy like a damn fiddle. And Locke just keeps marching along to the tune. Argh. Why in the world would you let Ben go? Unless maybe Locke got tired of being his personal chef? Jeez.

I would also like to know how Ben is relaying messages to his people from confinement and where they are, since he obviously still has them somewhere. And obviously I want to know more about Charles Widmore's connection to the island since they've been building that up in the past couple episodes as well. But hell, I'm still waiting to see how Jack's dad connects.

I do have to give props to that line about the rabbit though and Hurley's "luck" with horseshoes. Definitely the two times in the episode that had me laughing out loud. Loved both moments.

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