Thursday, May 3, 2007

Burning Bright, Flaming Out

Between the years of 1987 and 1990, John McTiernan crafted three highly respected and top-caliber action pictures in quick succession. He started with Predator, a balls-to-the-wall pure testosterone picture. It has a look and a feel that most action movies can't match, and honestly it has nothing more on its mind than its man vs. alien premise. To this date, Predator is one of the easiest movies for me to sit back and watch in repetition - to the point that I like it best out of McTiernan's 'trilogy'.

Most would disagree, leaning towards the also awesome Die Hard in 1988 as his masterpiece, and really its hard to argue. The film was a starmaker for Bruce Willis (a film whose popularity he's still milking nearly two decades later with Live Free or Die Hard). Also, it has a human element that Predator avoids by putting families at risk, and it spawned an entire wave of action pictures placed within a certain set including The Negotiator and its own less-effective (but hilariously titled) sequel Die Hard 2: Die Harder.

Then McTiernan follows it up with The Hunt for Red October and by this point father's all over the country are tipping their beers back in appreciation for the action movie genius that is John McTiernan. Each film veers away from the last, but maintains a pace, an adrenaline and an interest that most action movies don't or can't.

After that though? Well, what the hell happened?

From Medicine Man in 1992 through Basic in 2003, McTiernan dropped almost entirely off the map with a decade worth of average-to-terrible flicks. Hell, Last Action Hero in 1993 was awful to the point of legend, forcing McTiernan to crawl on his knees back to the Die Hard franchise he had previously started and abandoned...

So my question is this - what other actors or directors have had such a high period of success that follows with such a spectacular crash? And why do directors seem to hit a certain peak that for some reason is horribly difficult to recapture once they fall?

And yes, this topic was inspired by another recent watching of my beloved Predator. I don't know about you guys, but I miss the action genius.


chachiincharge said...

One director I can think of is William Friedkin. Back to back he did both French Connection and Exorcist. He earned the youngest director Oscar I believe for French Connection. And for the most part he has kept busy, but nothing is anywhere near the caliber of those two flicks.

-Rules of Engagement
-Blue Chips

His upcoming Bug is getting a lot of praise. So Im excited to see if he is back. Heres hoping.

And perhaps the best known case of on-top to bottom-barrell would be Michael Cimino. After directing the classic Deer Hunter, he goes to do Heavens Gate. Havent see it, but I hear it isn't as bad as it is made out to be. Anyways it was a disaster. The guy won an Oscar and now nothing. Check Imdb. Tell me you've seen any of those flicks aside for the two Ive mentioned.

The Zucker Bros made two of my favorite comedies ever, Airplane and Naked Gun. Now they are prepping for Scary Movie 5. They made Scary Movie 3,4, Baseketball, and My Boss's Daughter. What the hell happened guys?

And perhaps the one I'm most saddened by...John Landis. In four years, he made Kentucky Fried Movie, Animal House, Blues Bros and American Werewolf in London. Animal House if probably the funniest movie ever. Blues Bros is probably the second funniest movie ever. I loved these movies, and now nothing. He did do Spies Like Us and Three Amigos, but those are nowhere the caliber of these flicks. He also has Coming to America and Trading Places, which some people would argue are hysterical, but I dont think there are that great. But after even those, he has done nothing. Why?

Finally in one year Mel Brooks did Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles. He made Producers a few years earlier. He never came close to topping that year though. But I absolutely love Spaceballs.

pengin said...

Word to Friedkin....excellent choice. God I hope Bug is amazing. I love the trailer. Excellent atmosphere. Beyond creepy. I'd love to see him return to form.

Another horror maestro who fell of the face of the earth.....Tobe Hooper. Texas Chainsaw was 1974...and is still considered a pivotal horror film. He did the made-for-TV Salem's Lot (which I find enjoyable) in 1979. Then came Poltergeist in 1982...a film which I absolutely love. And then the vastly inferior, yet still entertaining Texas 2 in 1986....Since then....nothing even remotely watchable. At least he wasn't a part of the god-awful remake or its even worse prequel.

I am also going to be so bold as to mention Francis Ford Coppola. I need not mention the masterpieces this god amongst men has created. Just remember that after doing his last good film (Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992) he went on to direct Jack and The Rainmaker. Jack was a huge steamer....and The Rainmaker was just disappointing coming from Coppola. He does have 2 small indie films on the horizon...and he would have to work very hard at sucking to erase his contributions....but, even still, I'd love to see him return to form and knock me on my ass again.

I have some more brewing...but I must go get prepared for Lost. Ben Linus gets a flashback....and I need to re-enforce my pants.

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