Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Trailer Bulletin: John Rambo

Your thoughts?


chachiincharge said...

I still think it will suck, but dammit if it doesn't at least look like it will be fun. It is great to see they aren't holding back on the violence and embracing what it really is. It is very discouraging to see Live Free or Die Hard will be PG13.

Stallone's wig looks awful though, and he looks older here than he did in Rocky Balboa.

thedexter said...

I think it looks like a great action movie, but the trailer makes it look like a parody of a Rambo trailer.

How many Stallone characters are going to come back in sequels where their full name is the title?

Coming this Christmas...Raymond Tango.

Stallone is...John Spartan.

Forget Cobra, this Fall he's...Marion Cobretti.

Brian Mulligan said...

It looks bad. But I honestly can't figure out any way in which John Rambo can be any worse than Rambo 2 & 3. So, eventually on DVD maybe I'll catch up with it... but it's not like Rocky Balboa where I'll go see it in the theaters. I don't have that kind of commitment to this character.

And you're right Chachi, the wig is terrible. In the past year we've been subjected to Tom Hanks' in The Da Vinci Code, Nicolas Cage in Next and now this? C'mon people, take a glance in the mirror before the cameras start rolling. You look ridiculous.

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