Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Now and Then

Mulligan brought this up in one of his comments, and I had been kicking around this idea for a post myself. Mulligan had recalled rewatching "Rookie of the Year" the other day and how it left a bad taste in his mouth. As a kid, he loved the movie, but now as an adult, it was just plain bad.

Obviously what makes you laugh as a kid doesn't necessarily carryover to maturity. I ask you to tell us of any nostalgia classics that you now wish you hadn't seen again. Ones that having seen a second time has now destroyed what fond memories you had for it.

Some examples I can think off the top of my head include nearly all Pauly Shore films. I caught "Encino Man" the other day. I had loved it as a kid and thought Link was the coolest cat. But now, my memory has been tainted. It really is a film of the '80s because it simply doesn't hold up. The friendships seemed fake. The jokes stale. Everyone was so oblivious to what was going on. The plot is so over the top, I cant believe I was ever able to suspend my disbelief for it. To be honest, I see the Wayans Bros. remaking it. They could even combine it with one of the their own flicks and make "Little Cave Man." In order to steal a dinosaur egg, Marlon must go undercover as a cave baby and infiltrate the wealthiest caveman in quarry. Oh dear god,..the suicide rate will be too much for our country to bare.

Also "Naked Gun 2 1/2." I loved all Leslie Nielsen films when I was younger. I since revisited all of the Naked Guns, and that second one is just bad. Not funny at all. Very disappointing because I thought I would still love it even today. At least the first is still terrific and the third is pretty good too.

So what films have you since rewatched and now you wish you had just hit the eject button. Oh and no "HOOK." That is just way too obvious.


Brian Mulligan said...

Love the topic. To start though, I think Hook has basically been banned from this blog, unless some courageous person wants to try to defend it. Same with Jack. It's appalling that those two films were created by some of the best filmmakers we've ever had. Awful. I don't even remember liking them all that much as a kid.

Anyways, I went and looked through my ratings for the films I've seen since I was a kid and found a handful of films I previously liked but in hindsight recognize as totally awful (Any of the Ernest Goes to... series come immediately to mind).

Angus, King Ralph, The Real McCoy, Problem Child and Clean Slate are a few more. And I loved Angus, so even after rewatching it, I defend it in spite of itself.

Plus, I was a huge sports fan... so throw in Little Big League, Angels in the Outfield, The Mighty Ducks 2 and Little Giants into the category with Rookie of the Year and The Sandlot.

And to add my own Pauly Shore film to the mix, how about Bio-Dome? I have friends who still defend it. And sometimes, I'll admit, I want to let them win the argument.

But worst of all - and this pains me to say - is not even a film but TV... "Saved by the Bell" is strikingly bad when you're trying to rewatch all the old episodes. This is a show I watched nearly every--single--day after school. I loved Zach and Kelly, Slater and Jesse, even Screech and Lisa. Zach was who every guy wanted to be, and Kelly was who they wanted to end up with. And vice versa with the opposite sex. But now? It's a couple clowns in dated 80s/90s outfits acting ludicrously and ruining my childhood memories. Say it ain't so...

thedexter said...

Fluke. The guy who died and became a dog? I remember as a kid thinking, "This is genius writing. The motherfucker who wrote this better have an Oscar on his desk in the morning."

Then I bought it on DVD and watched it and thought...oh shit...we're just gonna put this back in the trash can and then put some old McDonald's wrappers over it so nobody goes snooping through my trash and stumbles upon it and interrogates me about it.

Most of those made for TV Disney Channel movies, really. Kids shouldn't act unless they're Haley Joel Osment. And he's old now...so kids shouldn't act.


Brian did you say The Sandlot? I'm sure you just meant to type Weekend At Bernie's 2 and your fingers just missed the keys because there's nothing wrong with The Sandlot.

thedexter said...

Oh yeah, Hook was great.

Brian Mulligan said...

To quote myself from the previous topic that Chachi cited, "And it's amazing to think how many times a movie like The Sandlot was played - one of the few I still stand by."

I don't rip The Sandlot. But most of the others on my list are fair game nowadays.

chachiincharge said...

I saw "The Wizard" a month or two ago. I remember loving this as a kid since it was all about Nintendo, and it is the biggest merchandise plug-in ever created.

Well it was crap. I really wish I didn't see it again. It completely spoiled my love for it. I guess I should have realized Fred Savage will never contribute anything good to a movie ever.

PS The only way I could dread the upcoming Daddy Day Camp even more was to realize it stars Cuba Gooding Jr, not Eddie, and is directed by none other than Mister Kevin Arnold himself, Fred Savage.

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