Friday, May 9, 2008

Lost - S4, E11: "Cabin Fever"

Season 4, Episode 11 - "Cabin Fever"


chachiincharge said...

This was a solid ep. Plus the more the think about last weeks the more I like it. This one was a weird one.

-I liked seeing Locke's childhood and how the island truly is his destiny. Great to see Lance Reddick again as Abbadon. Also great to see Nestor Carbonell back as Richard Alpert. Why Locke? Why was he special? Because he was a premie?

-This whole Christian Shepard thing is totally screwing with me. Is he dead? Is he alive? Why can they see him? Is he Smokey? Where's Jacob?

-Kimmie is the biggest dick this show has ever had. They usually like to show a multifaceted side to even the bad guys, but I'll be glad just to see him get slaughtered by Miles who carries out the wishes of Danielle and Alex (That would kick ass). How cool was the Doc getting knifed days after he washed up on the island? This time crap is kicking my ass.

-Isn't it amazing how Sayid can operate anything including the boat. I mean how many times did he use one in the Middle East. He knows bearings and all that mumbo jumbo. If it was me, I probably would have reversed right into the side of the freighter and wrecked it. I predict that Sayid will be the one to fly them off the island. He'll just read the instruction manual and he's good.

-What was up with brainwashed Claire? She didn't ask about Aaron? She didn't seem to care about Locke seeing her dad? She creeped me out more than Christian.

-How does Locke always have a prophetic dream that tells him what to do? Nobody else has them. Is that why he is special? His subconscious predicts the future?

-What was with Horace Goodspeed chopping down a tree, only for us to see him chop the down the same tree again after it already fell? What is that about?

-Lastly, what item was Locke supposed to choose? Is Alpert about peace and the fact Locke picked up a hunting knife the reason he wasn't chosen then.

The ep. gave us a lot to think about, but didn't really give us any answers. Lost is famous for that, but I felt they really were dodging everything they could here. Oh well. Three hour finale begins next week. Can't wait.

Brian Mulligan said...

Another good one, better than last week which was itself better than the week before. Still not truly great, but a lot of interesting developments which is one of the problems I cited with last week's episode.

Obviously the most apparent was Locke's being singled out by Richard Alpert and Abbadon before he ever came close to the island. And Alpert's advice to go on the walkabout also makes it seem that he knew the plane would crash ahead of time. How they knew of Locke's importance to the island at such an early age though, I have no idea. Jacob sure recruits 'em from an early age.

The only real drawback to the episode was its flashback format to me. After a season of twisting and turning the flashback/flash forward scenario by incorporating other characters into life-threatening scenarios (Desmond's) to learning what happens to everyone who actually gets off the island (everybody else's)... this one seemed a little less important.

And that's unfortunate, because it really was a good story. It's just one of those stories that seems relatively disconnected from Locke's previous flashbacks.

Still, learning that Locke was born premature and also abandoned by his mother was fitting towards his character. And it's always nice to see Locke throw out his old "Don't tell me what I CAN'T DO!" line. Good stuff.

Plus, having Locke rebel against the type of person he's supposedly meant to be (a superhero type vs. the scientist type) is really intriguing to me. He's forcing his own destiny and as everyone knows from season 1, Locke is a badass with a knife.

Also, we finally get Locke back in this episode. With Ben basically passing the torch to him, refusing to go into the cabin, Locke recaptures his leadership role. Finally! Ben's a great leader himself, but Locke is a terrible follower. He's so much more interesting of a character when he's leading the charge. And even better yet when he's doing it solo. He doesn't need all these damn visions to tell him what to do.

Oh and one other thing that sort of annoyed me was Locke's reveal that, "We have to move the island." I mean, I'm not really surprised about it, but it seems reminiscent of the dreaded "Magic Box" idea that was pitched in Season 3(?). Sort of like a cheat. Okay, that no one can find the island is interesting to me... but if you can just move it at will? Well, no kidding you can't find it then.

Other highlights:

The Cabin Scene was truly creepy. No idea what's going on with Claire, but you're right about her being the weirdest thing about that cabin... and that's impressive, considering there's a dead guy talking in that room.

Love the Christian Shepard character. No idea how they're going to explain it. Did Jacob take Shepard's form since his corpse is on the island? Is that how we can see visions of him and Charlie off the island? Maybe? But Charlie also acts very Charlie-like, so who knows?

Keamy is truly evil. A great bastard of an actor. Still... I'm afraid this season's finale will result in just another war because of him. That's how last season ended! Survivors vs. Others. Do we really want to see another gunfight-heavy ending? Survivors vs. Freighters? Please no.

Don't know what I think about Desmond staying on the freighter... but I would have loved seeing Michael return to the island. Damn. Still gotta wait on that one.

Also liked seeing Horace Goodspeed again. Season 5 is supposed to be more Dharma-centric, so I'm sure this is just the beginning of that.

Whatever the case though, the episodes are getting continually better to me the last couple weeks and next week we get started on our first ever 3-part finale. That'll be fun, just wish it was all in one night. Can't wait to see what they come up with.

Rebecca said...

For sure this was a great episode.

~The Claire thing freaked me out a bit. She's so calm and...creepy. And what's up with "Aaron is where he's supposed to be"?

~My thoughts on Horace cutting down the same tree is that Locke had the dream because it was the Island's way of communicating with him. Locke didn't understand what Horace was doing so the action kept repeating itself til he realized Horace was building the cabin and then Locke knew what he had to do. (Kind of like "Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope" haha)

~LOVED the doctor getting his throat cut part.

~I'm so sick of Michael. I want him to die already.

~Keamy is pretty nutso...he's going to go all Schwarzenegger on everyone and go out in a flaming ball of bloody glory.

You guys pretty much covered everything else. Haha nice comment Chachi on Sayid's true.

bridetobe said...

Brief insights:

1. someone needs to kill Michael
2. we want more scenes with clues that lead us to the true identity of jacob.
3. locke's flashback means he wants to be the hunter, but isn't destined to be one?
4. Claire was creepy in this episode. she's like superwoman now-she can survive a house collapsing on her without so much as a scratch and suddenly she's in a cabin with her "dead" father talking to the others as if it's tea time. haha.
5. how are they going to move the island? hope it blows our mind!

3 hour finale you say tyler? WOO!!

chachiincharge said...

The finale is titled "There's No Place Like Home" and it will be a three parter. We get the first part this Thursday at 10. The final two hours won't air til two weeks later at 9, incidentally this is after the beloved May sweeps. The reason for the missed week is because of stupid Grey's Anatomy season finale is far more important to ABC than maintaining a popular serialized show's momentum.

Rebecca said...

Watch yourself. Don't besmirch the gloriousness that is Grey's Anatomy!

Anonymous said...

Okay everyone!
Claire is dead.
She's been dead.
Thats why she was grinning like that in the cabin scene.

Brian Mulligan said...

Yeah, I've considered that too.

I've been thinking she might have really died back when she somehow managed to miraculously survive the house exploding a few episodes ago.

I'm not entirely sold on the idea, but it would explain a number of questions... like why Aaron is being raised by Kate, why Claire didn't get off the island and why Claire's so creepy all of a sudden.

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