Friday, May 30, 2008

Lost - S4, E13: "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3"

Season 4, Episode 13 - "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3"


chachiincharge said...

Every episode I always say about what a mind fuck the episode was and just how the hell is the next episode goin to play out.

I now can honestly say I have no idea how this story is going to be told anymore. I'm at a complete loss, but a great one.

This was a jam packed finale that while didn't really answer any of the big questions we had before this season, it did wrap up just about everything revealed since than.

We see how they got off. We see why they lied. We see that everyone isn't dead, though a good portion are. We know who is in the coffin. We see how the island moves. We see how Ben warped. We see when Sawyer made Kate promise. We know why Jack wants to go back. We saw old orphaned Walt. We got a great Desmond/Penny reunion with the Portuguese.

But they left us with so much more.

How do they get back to the island? Why doe a dead Locke need to come with them? What bad happened when they left the island? How did Locke get off the island? Why Jeremy Bentham? What is up with Claire? Did Faraday warp too? What is Charlotte's history with the island? Why does she want to know where she was born? Didn't the obit mention "Jeremy" had a child? How the hell did the island move? Why did they still need to move it even though they took out the threat of the Freighties? What is up with the Orchid? What does Sun need Widmore for? Who is watching outside Santa Rosa for a week? How many people has Sayid killed now? Three years has gone by and what the hell has happened in all that time?

They have changed the game once again. God I love this show.

PS Harold Perrineau was not happy with how his story ended. In fact it was kinda harsh. He wanted some hope of Michael becoming the father to Walt that he should be, and now Walt is an orphaned black kid. He felt it ended in a stereotypical fashion for the black people. What an idiot. Doesn't he know that that was the only real way he could have had a heroic death and redeem himself. He saved everyone except for Jin...Poor Jin. I don't want to believe it, but it certainly looks like he is gone.

Rebecca said...

Perfectly summed up Chachi. I'd add more but you hit on everything I would have said. Can't wait til next season!!!

Brian Mulligan said...

The possibility of Locke being in the casket never really even crossed my mind. Michael maybe. Ben possibly. But Locke? I had ruled him out practically immediately after the question was even raised, mostly because I felt like he would never have left the island. And when we found out that he was definitely not one of the Oceanic 6, again, I felt like he had a very low chance of being revealed as the mysterious casketdweller.

So, of course, what do I know?

Yep, “Lost” completely fooled me again. I should have realized that Ben and Michael are too obvious of choices and that the only thing I should have expected was unpredictability from its finale. It’ll be damn interesting to see how, why and what leads John Locke to leave the island, but for now we’re left with another summer of questions.

A few were answered like you said, more were left unanswered, and still more were brought up. Why would a dead John Locke need to go back to the island with Jack, Ben and the rest? And who exactly includes “everyone?” Are Walt, Aaron and Desmond supposed to come back as well? And Ben said the person who moves the island can never return… so Ben won’t be going back?

Yep, there were also a lot more questions posed that you already ran through. Some of my favorites being “What happened to Faraday?” and “What is Charlotte’s past with the island?” I also want to know why, after the helicopter crashed, they didn’t go looking for freighter survivors with their lifeboat? Or once they got rescued they didn’t go back? The big cloud of smoke would make it easy to find…

I’ll agree with you that Harold Perrineau’s unhappiness with how his story turned out is an overreaction, but I do agree that there was more there to explore (but then again, Libby, Charlie and Mr. Eko had more too). Being such a big fan of Michael’s one flashback from this season, “Meet Kevin Johnson,” I’m sorry to see him go… again… so soon. But he did have an interesting, heroic send off, with the island (Jack’s dad) telling him “You can go now” after he helped save the Oceanic 6, Desmond, Frank and - possibly - Jin?

Other thoughts…

So as judged by the casket reveal, Ben is still playing possum with Locke even though it looked like Locke was about to take his place as the leader of the Others.

I was a little unhappy with how quickly they killed off the entire freighter team (just like last year when they off-ed all the attacking Others) and especially Keamy. What can I say, his lunacy appeals to me? And that fistfight with Sayid was the first truly brutal fisticuffs we've seen on the island. Ah, Keamy, what a monster.

Another high body count episode too. Michael. Future Locke. The Freighter team. Possibly Jin (I still say he’s alive, paddling around somewhere with Daniel Faraday). Plus we still don’t know what’s going on with Claire, who had one of the briefest roles in the finale.

And your heart had to be made of stone if you weren’t grinning like a fool when Desmond and Penny finally found one another again. I never expected it so soon, but damn, what a great moment. As with everybody else, I can’t wait for next season either. A great finale.

pengin said...

Ok...back from vacation and time to actually post here. Lost=awesome, and to think people waste their time on Grey's Anatomy.

Everyone has covered basically everything, so I won't waste my typing. But, I will hit on a few things.

A. Harold Perrineau should realize that even though his character is dead, he will be back in some form. Aside from the inevitable conclusion to Walt's story (of which I'm sure he will play a part), there is a weird group of dead people that are still somehow hanging about the island and the surrounding areas. Perhaps Christian Shepard's parting words were an invite of some sort? Plus, Hurley's been chatting to dead people (this may be how we will finally get the end of Libby's story), so we may get some more Michael through that medium.

B. Jin's not dead. It's a great opportunity for a big romantic reunion when everyone gets back to the island. But that is rather cliche, so, knowing Lost, he was probably blown to pieces.

C. Ben was able to leave the island when he was in charge of it, for whatever super secret reasons he had. I'm assuming that ability will pass to Locke when he takes over control. What the horrible things were that forced him to seek out the Oceanic 6, I have no idea...but the thought of tragedy and hardships gets me oddly excited.

D. My biggest question, will Jeremy Davies be forced to lose even more weight, as Farraday is now floating in a crappy boat in the middle of nowhere? If so, we will need to get him some more Hot Pockets, because he can't get any skinnier. It's physically impossible. I don't want him to become the next Karen Carpenter

E. Desmond and Penny are adorable sweet I got a bit teary eyed (I'm a softy...leave me alone.)

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