Friday, February 8, 2008

Lost - S4, E2: "Confirmed Dead"

Season 4, Episode 2 - "Confirmed Dead"


Rebecca said...

Oh my goodness.

K, we have a drunk/pilot, an archaeologist, a physicist and a ghostbuster, sent to the island to get Ben. Ben knows this. HOW!?

There's a polar bear connected with the island found in the desert. WHAT?!

We almost got an answer to the Black Smoke question!!!! Those writers are such teases.

So they've found the plane wreckage and the dead pilot isn't who the news reports he is.

I can't even begin to speculate...I want to but I can't get my brain wrapped around all the craziness. It would seem thought that the discovery of the airplane crash was a fairly recent flashback...but why did they round up those 4 specifically to do the mission? They don't seem like a capable bunch without their leader Naomi but each clearly has a purpose so I'm excited to see what their individual talents are intended for.

AND THEY HAVE A HELICOPTER NOW!!! Too bad Locke's gonna blow it up.

Rebecca said...

AHHHHHHH!!!! AND THE GAS MASKS!!! I FORGOT THE GAS MASK THING! I wonder if they were planning on doing something similar to what they did with the Others when Ben was know, and gas the whole place?

Brian Mulligan said...

I thought it was a good episode, with a lot of interesting backstory developments (such as the Dharma polar bear in the desert - a second Dharma eco setup?, more information on the faux Flight 815 crash and obviously who this team coming to the island is)...


I'm also of the mindset that characters should have to EARN these flashbacks or flashforwards. They're devices to tell the story of these individuals and if we're not invested in them (Nikki, Paolo) then they don't deserve them, plain and simple. Characters such as Ben and Desmond were planted or established for months before they received their own storylines.

And splitting up the flashback between four people felt like you were only getting a very cursory, underdeveloped look at each person (five if you include Noami).

Meanwhile on the island, I have to adamit that these new characters are fascinating developments to the show. They've kind of stole the focus away from our main Losties temporarily, which is an interesting story decision.

And seeing that helicopter sitting there - a source of transportation in practically pristine condition for once - was one of those "DAMN!" moments. These characters are really gonna be getting off this island, and it seems to be sooner than later.

Anyone else think there was no way Locke would have ever shot Ben (despite his failed shooting of one of the 'rescuers')? Not a chance. Even if he had ushered everyone off, I think he would have just let him run off. The only person Locke has ever attacked (Naomi) is someone he felt the island didn't want to be there. I think it's pretty obvious Ben belongs there, so...

Some other quick things...

That scene with Jack telling Miles that his friends have a gun trained on his head was great. You expect him to be full of it, just likes Miles, and instead...

They're never gonna answer that Black Smoke Monster question. That's gonna go from season 1, episode 1 all the way until season 6 it seems.

And I've got to agree with Rebecca that those gas masks seem to indicate these 'rescuers' are definitely there for some ulterior, sinister motives.

So, who is Ben's mole on the boat? When is Michael reintroduced to the cast? Are they one and the same? Is it a new character altogether? Do we find out next week that some of the Losties actually LEAVE the island?

As usual, lots of unanswerable questions.

Until next week.

chachiincharge said...

Some quick thoughts:

-The man on the Boat is Michael I'm betting (and apparently a bunch of people on the Lost Podcast had the same theory)

-The gas masks may just be for protection from Ben using it as a weapon and "purge" the "rescuers" as he did to Dharma

-I've never seen somebody rob the dead with the dead's help like Miles did

-Anybody else waiting for Miles to hug somebody and go all porcupine on them like he did in X3

-Time is definitely something to look at. That polar bear certainly hints at it as if they are in the past or whether the bear got sucked through some wormhole. Who the hell knows?

-It doesn't quite scatter right....What the hell does that mean. That has to be one of my favorite lines on the show. Jeremy Davies is so damn weird on it.

-Why wouldn't the ring fall off the pilots hand. They plummeted into the ocean. Why is Frank so certain that the ring wouldn't have fallen off?

-Why was Daniel crying in his segment of the flashback?

-Yeah another Fisher Steven's voice appearance. When do we get to see Baby Koopa already?

-Next week will show who else gets off the island. I know who's flashback it is supposed to be so that should probably be a strong indicator, but I assume nothing from this show is what it seems.

-"Now were taking instructions from Taller Ghost Walt!" Classic

pengin said...

Alrighty...excellent episode again. I love Jeremy Davies. Always have, and this seems to be another great role for his particular brand of weirdness.

Plus...Jeff Fahey is awesome.

Congrats to Chachi for busting out the Super Mario Brothers reference. Short Circuit would have been easy sir, and I appreciate you taking the road less traveled. Especially when that road leads to the greatest video game film ever made.

Everyone touched on the best parts already, so I won't be repetitive.

And no Chachi. No one is waiting for Miles to go X3 on someone, because we're all trying to forget that it was a movie.

Brian Mulligan said...

The strike is over... long live "Lost"!

Let's cross our fingers and hope now for the full 16 episodes. I saw a quote from Damon Lindelof saying basically "if all the pieces fall together correct, I don't see why we couldn't finish the other 8 episodes!"


pengin said... more strike, but Carlton Cuse has come out and said that despite the strike being over, we will not see the full 16 episode season. Instead, he plans do the full season story arch over the course of 5 additional episodes, giving us 13 total. He said that he believed the season would be uninterrupted, all airing this spring, but we're more than likely gonna come up 3 episodes short.

Kind of a bummer

bridetobe said...

Woo...LOST tonight! It's going to be A-mazing. Brian already spoiled the first 5 min. but AFTER I begged him to tell me. He accidentally caught the spoiler himself on a podcast today. haha. This episode will stir some great discussion tomorrow. I'm psyhced! :)

chachiincharge said...

I had the same five min spoiled for me too. There is a new segment on Jay and Jack's podcast that says it will contain mild spoilers, but I wasn't expecting full on details of the opening scene. After I heard that, I skipped ahead to avoid the rest. The opening scene tonight was fantastic and I wish I didn't know about it before hand.

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