Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lost - S4, E4: "Eggtown"

Season 4, Episode 4 - "Eggtown"


Brian Mulligan said...

Sorry for the delay in the posting of this week's Lost response... I must have gotten thrown off by the no-ice ice storm we had last Friday.

Anyways, since no one else seemed to notice all that much it doesn't bode too well for this past week's episode, which I will admit to finding it hard to recall many of the details of.

I know it was Kate-centric and called "Eggtown" (one of the reasons I can't seem to recall though is why). And I remember a couple of doublecrosses thrown into the Sawyer and Kate storyline that no one seems to care about.

I dunno, at least from what I recall it was probably the weakest episode thus far. When we finally get Miles locked alone in a room with Ben all he wants to do is extort him for money? I understand this let's us know Ben is capable of attaining such sums, but still... there isn't much story development there. And Kate stays with Locke's group only to be banished a week later? Seems too set-up for me.

Oh and Locke runs around looking like he has no idea what he's doing anymore? Where is the mysterious knife-toting hunter of Season 1 that seemed to know everything?

Then with the Kate flashback trial, Kate's mother ultimately decides not to testify against her? I did like the way they toyed around with Kate being pregnant/having a son she wouldn't let her mother see only to reveal it to be Aaron in the closing minutes ("Lost" always seems to be great on ending on a good note). But does this mean Claire is the 815 casualty we've been hearing comes up soon? And if Claire dies how does Jack find out she's his sister?

Plus "Lost" lives for its surprises... so I'm surprised they would telegraph a death this early on (outside of Charlie, since no one wanted to admit it was coming), which makes me think that it isn't Claire who dies. But if she doesn't... why is she separated from the child?

And what's Jack's story? Why is he so willing to lie, under oath, about what happened to Flight 815?

So, not a great episode but another one that leaves you with a lot of questions and intrigue for the future. Any other thoughts?

Rebecca said...

Oh, don't mistake ppl not saying anything for not wanting to post about it. I just didn't want to hassle you again.

I have no clue what you mean by Claire being Jack's sister??! Where did I miss that? Or are you speculating?

I realized that I had a hard time recalling all my reactions after the show so I've decided to record them as I watch...here they are:

Title of the show is Eggtown and we see eggs in the first 10 sec.

Ben says Locke is more LOST than ever before—he’s right.

Pregnancy? What pregnancy? (kate and sawyer convo on the porch)

Kate getting tried for her previous crimes!!!

Hurley-“you just totally Scooby-doo’d me didn’t you?” hahaha


Only 8 survived the crash???? (jack’s testimony)

Hahahaha Hurley puts in Xanidu—awesome.

Who’s out to get Ben?!

Why is Kate so freaking stubborn during the trial about her son!? Gah.

Kate and Sawyer getting together—sort of…snooze.

Just realized that Kate’s mom was on Sabrina the Teenage Witch….nice. And odd that I’d realize that.

AH! Kate's “I need to get back, he’ll wonder where I am” from the finale last season. He = her son!


Brian Mulligan said...

This is why when you join a show in the middle... you go back and watch the episodes you missed. Haha.

Yep, Claire is Jack's half-sister (they share the same father). Claire didn't know his name though, which is why she has no knowledge of her relationship to Jack.

Actually, this was first brought up in Season 3 (Episode 12, "Par Avion")... so if you joined the show in Season 2, like you previously said, you should already know this?

But I guess you weren't taking notes then. Were ya?

Rebecca said...

Haha thanks for the recap...clearly I was NOT taking notes then. But now that you mention it I do kind of remember a little glimmer of that little piece of plot development.

chachiincharge said...

The title "eggtown" I read somewhere is a term used back during olden days (approx. ten Joan Rivers years). Eggs were plentiful and quite perishable, so if you were to sell eggs or buy them, it would be quite stupid. Many traveling salesman would tell fellow salesman that a particular town was an "eggtown" (being of no real value). This tactic was used often to double-cross a competitor. They may heed their advice and not go to town, when in reality it was a great business opportunity...or they may actually think they were being double-crossed and go into to town only to find out that they were given correct advice and it is an "eggtown." Either way, the term refers to a double-cross...such as Kate's double-crossing of Locke, or even perhaps Locke's new torture method of a grenade in the mouth. An there is your history lesson for the day, now run along and play in the sandbox.

chachiincharge said...

Also I want to say that this whole Kate's trial was a necessary evil that the writers had to complete, and I'm glad they took care of it in one episode. Not the best this season (when has a Kate ep. ever been great), but it did have a killer reveal, and I loved Locke with the grenade. Brilliant.

Also, even though we see Aaron, I never once thought that Claire would be killed. I just assumed that she would rather him get off the island and live a normal live with KAte, than be stuck on the island with the new "Others."

bridetobe said...

For some reason I'm partial to Kate. I think I could be the only one who likes her. She's doesn't roll over and let the men on the island take control all the time. She has a mind of her own. I like that's she's independent and needed on the island. Brian prefers Claire, but she bores me. She had one flashback and it was alright.

Come to think of it, I think the writers are partial to the men. They're more interesting. Notice how they did make Kate the "slut of the island." She sleeps with two men who are COMPLETE opposites. I don't buy that she'd really fall for Sawyer. He's a loser.

Anyways, I only like Kate when a) she's NOT with Sawyer and b) when she's on the island. Her character is too lost in the real world. Maybe ironically all the characters on the show are indeed at home when they're away from home. Get it?

Can I also say that Kate was crazy for not taking up her mother's offer? I guess we all kinda love Kate's stubbornness though.

Oh, and Claire is dead. She's pointless without Charlie now.

I'm predicting Sawyer's flasback/forward tomorrow...?

Rebecca said...

Thanks for the eggtown insight Chachi. That was really interesting! I always appreciate learning new things, especially when it's relevant to something as important as Lost :)

pengin said...

Yeah...new episode tonight, so I won't post too much on this one. It was ok. Michelle and I knew the ending as soon as they mentioned her "son". There are some funny things going on with the time here that are hard to explain, but would make it nearly impossible for Aaron to actually be Kate's son if anyone off of the island thought enough about it (perhaps this is why she doesn't want him to be a part of the trial?).

In terms of the flash-forwards, Jack was easily the most interesting part. Why is he willing to lie so greatly about what happened? What happens in between this flash-forward and his season 3 ending flash-forward that changes his mind? And, why does he refuse to see Aaron? Chachi, I wish I could share your optimism for Claire's fate, but something about the way Jack acts around Kate and his refusal to see Aaron is pointing me in the opposite direction. All of this could certainly be a red-herring, but, between Hurley's flash-forward and Jack's, there seems to be some nasty ahead for more than just a few of our beloved survivors.

Oh...and Locke with the hand grenade was flippin' awesome.

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