Friday, February 1, 2008

Lost - S4, E1: "The Beginning of the End"

Season 4, Episode 1 - "The Beginning of the End"


Brian Mulligan said...

Alright, I don't understand what's going on with the site grinding to a complete halt in the past week but I'm gonna jump on here with some "Lost" reactions anyway and see if it'll start something up.

Of course since these are "reactions" to the show, they're gonna be spoiler-filled, so if you haven't seen the show (which shame on you if you haven't) go back and watch it first.

And on with the 'recap'.

First off, it's just a brilliant show. I'm constantly marvelling at the ability of their writers to turn a story on its head, to confound the viewers and to toy with their own established formulas (exactly what they've started doing again with these flash forwards).

Just when we get to the point that the flashbacks were not really offering much extra insight into the characters... we get to the flash forwards which create an entirely different storyline for us to follow. Now all of a sudden what transpires on the island is the flashback and we have to figure out how they got to this point in the future (and how they will ultimately get back). It's just a wonderful twist on a show that's filled with them.

Also, I was a fan of the Hurley flash forward. And although the idea of seeing all 'Oceanic 6' act in a manner completely out-of-character with how they've been previously presented doesn't interest me as much, it makes Kate's character (the one who seems the least affected) much more interesting.

These flash forwards just seem to enrich this 'rescue story' on the island and really paves the way nicely for the rest of the season.

However, I was suprised that they brought Charlie back for a guest spot so soon too. I guess you had to since you had the Hurley flash forward going, but really this is the type of thing that "Lost" usually waits on and delivers in a more surprising fashion (although they did hint at it in the trailers for the season, so I guess they weren't hiding it).

Then Hurley finding Jacob's cabin, turning and running away and seeing it right in front of him again? Creepy and fantastic. Ben and Locke both had some solid supporting storylines.

The only thing that I was underwhelmed with was Noami. Why her character was kept alive for another episode when it didn't change hardly a thing I don't understand. I guess it was simply to have Jack and Kate head off with some purpose but that storyline felt a little forced to me. Oh and I don't know if I believe that Sawyer would leave Kate either, but I'm sure we'll see that develop a little more this next week.

But that's the only downside I can see from a great 8-month-in-waiting welcome back to my favorite show.

Can't wait for next week.

Rebecca said...

Well I had to wait 4 grueling days til I got to watch it but I was reeled right back in as if 8 months hadn't gone by between the seasons.

This show always excites me and for exactly the reasons Brian pointed out. The writers' ability to consistently keep things (almost frustratingly) confusing and interesting. It has all the twists and turns of a show like say "Nip/Tuck" but because "Lost" has this cloak over time and space, it makes anything possible (deadly black smoke? polar bears in the jungle?). The difference is that shows like "Nip/Tuck" often lose viewers as the plot becomes more and more convoluted because it becomes less and less reasonable. "Lost" on the other has come up with a formula that keeps people believing there has to be a reason for everything that happens and that this reason is...well, reasonable. I just hope they haven't dug themselves into a hole they can't get out of! (I could see some heads rolling if they don't have some brilliant ending to all this)

As for the actual episode, I liked it. With Jack's appearance, it was clearly pre-bearded, drug addicted Jack which leaves room for some more filling in between those two time periods. I'm constantly amazed at how the writers have been able to jump through time "Quantum Leap" style and yet still maintain some linearity to the plot. We track forward and backward and everywhere in between and the fun part for the audience is filling in the gaps. Genius.

Charlie's appearance was pretty cool. I wonder if he'll show up again in any of Hurley's flash forwards?

So now the island is split. Locke followers and Jack followers. And according to the flash forward, the Locke followers made the wrong decision. Hmmmmmm....

Locke creeps me out with his whole being one with the island and talking to Jacob but for some reason I still want to trust him.

I can't wait to see how Juliette will add some more confusion in the upcoming episodes too.

bridetobe said...

Okay, how can Thursday nights not be on everyone’s most anticipated night of the week for television now? If it’s not, then they obviously don’t know what they’re missing. From the very first episode in season one, Brian and I were hooked. Every episode leaves you at the edge of your seat, begging for more excitement, twists, and turns in the plot line. I’d even go to say I’m glued to the tv even between commercials. The show is insatiable.

Behind every great series has to be the writers. They are just brilliant. It’s amazing how they can manipulate time so easily. Always adding things, no matter how small a detail, it ends up being significant to the story and fits in perfectly. It doesn’t seem forced or thrown in there. Every piece to puzzle comes together so intricately to leave you drooling with excitement, but also finding yourself asking more questions than ever.

You also have to give a lot of props to the creators of the show for being able to keep you interested in each character’s background. Brian’s consistently asking me who my favorite actor on the show is, but it’s pretty hard to choose just one. The only other time I found that problem was with “Friends.” You really need all of them to complete the show. You can’t have one without the other because they complement the each other so well.

Lost is mysterious, thrilling, and confusing all at the same time. This season premiere was long awaited for. And although we all waited impatiently for almost a year, once it started, it was like we had never missed a day. The audience is reeled back in without so much as a blink of an eye. They make it way too easy to get caught up in the drama all over again.

Quick Points since I couldn’t help but make this post more of an advertisement than a review. Haha. Sorry guys.

Hurley’s flashforward: Don’t think he crossed my mind as being the flashforward story, but very interesting turn of events. He was a neutral choice. He thinks his presence is insignificant to the others, but on the contrary, he ends up saving the day at the end of last season and will serve a very important role in discovering himself and how his life impacts other lives this season. Best part of the show was when he comes across Jacob’s house. Haunting and fantastic. Jacob is definitely creepy. Can’t wait to see how his character is slowly revealed.

Charlie: Aww, the poor fate of Charlie. I was surprised to see him make an appearance so soon, but happy nonetheless.

Kate: Her character may be the most confusing of all. Not sure what the writers want to do with her. Is she in love with Jack or Sawyer? Stupid love triangles. What does this girl want? In the flashforward there’s still tension between she and Jack. I think she’s just a lost soul in general. Let me know when you think you have her all figured out. I’d be very interested.

Jack: The leader. The one with the conscience. The heart. The drive. He did his thing. I was glad to see his beard gone and see him sane for now.

The island has split the survivors once again. They’re forced to choose sides (similar to season one when half decide to stay on the beach while the other half go in search of better shelter as they see the island as being a more permanent place to live). Confusing that Hurley contradicts himself in this single episode. He agrees with Locke…says he needs to stay on the island, but then in the flashforward somehow gets rescued and then says he made the wrong decision (meaning Jack was right) but yet again says he needs to go back to the island anyway. WHAT? Anyone else’s eyes rolling around? Haha.

If I haven’t “lost” you at this point, thanks for reading. Excited for next week. Can’t wait for what’s in store!

bridetobe said...

Oh, and good riddance to Naomi's death. Her performance was laughable. Thank god her part wasn't written for more than 2 episodes.

chachiincharge said...

My god, I knew we were all movie fans, but it is even better to see we are all Losties, too. I don't understand how Grey's Anatomy and CSI consistently get number 1 in Nielsen while Lost never gets any love. This show always has me on the edge of my seat and always has me guessing what it all means. No show has more people theorizing than this one. Everyone has there own theories and that is the beauty of this show. When all is said and done, I believe Lost will remembered as one of the greatest TV shows ever.

On this week's premiere, some quick blurbs.

Every season has opened on the shot of someone's eye, this year we get a stack of fruit as Hurley demolishes it. Wish they kept up the trend, but still was fun to see the car chase.

Did you guys not notice that the "Jacob silhouette" was Jack's father? Say what? This whole scene was brilliant.

It was nice to see Charlie looking dapper and clean. Why does Hurley picture him different than what he looked like in real life. Kinda weird, but still nice reunion.

Who thought is would be best to shoot Hurley during his cannonball in slow-mo? As a big man myself, even I giggled at all the jiggling.

Who here already knows that Mr. Abbadon (the man who visits Hurley in the asylum) is going to be one of the best characters yet?

Naomi,..good riddance. I liked that she was able to survive just long enough to climb a tree and pounce on Kate unexpectedly. Kate made it to her just in time.

As Ted will surely say, does anybody feed Jeremy Davies? We don't think he has eaten since Rescue Dawn?

Am I the only person able to pick out Fisher Stevens based purely on his voice? I don't think even Fisher's closest friends can do that.

All in all, a fantastic premiere that sets up for a fantastic season, if this strike ends anytime soon.

Brian Mulligan said...

I too saw that the figure in the chair was Jack's dad, pretty cool. Although I heard an interview with Jorge Garcia as well and he said they had also filmed a scene where it was Hurley himself in the chair, wearing his mental hospital garb. That would have been pretty twisted and awesome. Don't know why they scrapped it, but considering Hurley doesn't know Jack's dad outside the island... I wonder how he saw him there if he truly is dead?

Also, the Charlie figure in the police investigation fishtank sequence had "They Need You" or something to that effect written on his hand. Nice details.

Oh, and yet another thing from the Hurley interview... apparently his drawing from when he's back at the mental hospital was his idea. It wasn't planted or anything, he just started drawing the igloo and such - which just reminds me of the ice station from the end of Season 2.

Lastly, Ty, don't forget Hurley's laughable "run for freedom" escape sequence at the beginning. Quite possibly the highest point of unintentional comedy ever on the show.

Rebecca said...

K, a couple of things I wanted to comment on that Chachi reminded me of...

1. Most importantly, (and I don't know how I could have NOT commented on it before) was the super cheese that was the dialogue between Hurley and Bernard... "I want to cannonball" "Then you cannonball, Hurley....cannonball." I instantly pictured the two of them doing the first run through of the script with "are you serious?" looks on their faces and then my mind quickly drifted to the actual shoot where it probably took them 40 takes to do it without laughing. And then the slo totally 80s leap-into-the-air-for-a-high-five-cause-you're -the-underdog-and-you've-won. (Michael Showalter does a great parody of this exact thing in Wet Hot American Summer if you're so inclined)

2. I have a confession to make. I came into Lost in the middle of Season 2 and only have had someone explain what happened before that. So I may not be as attuned to all the intricacies of the plot as others. Bare with me.

3. Jeremy Davies=awesome...awesomely freaky! The dude just has that weasaly look to him in general and then he throws in his "crazy eyes" (you've seen em, I know you have) and I'm creeped out of my mind! It probably didn't help that the first thing I ever saw him in was that Charles Mason made for tv movie....but he's gonna be great.

pengin said...

OK...I'm just getting over the flu, so you'll have to forgive any blatant stupidity...cough syrup can be a hell of a drug.

Lost is flippin awesome. No doubt. I started watching religiously after the first season was released on DVD. 6-7 hours marathons were not uncommon. Classes were missed due to lack of sleep. Tardiness at work became commonplace. Lost is a drug. A yummy, tasty drug that teases the mind and seduces the spirit until you have no choice but to give into it fully. My name is Ted. I am a Lost addict. I'm damn proud of it, and I'm not giving it up any time soon.

Alrighty, you all have covered the first episode of season 4 very well. Props to Chachi for catching the Christian Shepard/Jacob connection. After I read the cast listing for the episode, I re-watched it to find him, and, sure enough, Jacob does look an awful lot like him.

The season starts with a Hurley episode, so you know its gonna be good. Despite a few (perhaps?) unintentionally humorous moments (Hurley's slow-mo cannonball and his run from the cops), Hurley shows us a more dramatic side, that has really only been hinted at before. Really loved his flash-forward story, as well as the division between the survivors on the island. Great way to start the season.

Response to a few of you:

Naomi's dead...I agree with basically everyone that this is an improvement over the whole her being not dead thing.

Charlie so soon...kind of surprised to see him back so quickly, and looking so good. You know he'll be back for more goodness though.

Mr. Abbadon...yes. Awesome. Creepy. Outstanding. Lance Reddick (so fantastic on The Wire...everyone go watch the whole series now) will bring a whole new level of amazing evilness to the show. Can't wait to see what his place will be here.

Chachi...did you really think I wouldn't recognize Fisher Stevens' voice? Come on. Loves me some Fisher.

Finally, I am starting the Feed Jeremy Davies Foundation, as Chachi mentioned. All donations can be made to me (in the form of tasty cash handed to Ted), and I promise that I will by the poor man some Hot Pockets. I may eat them, but I will definitely buy them with him in mind. My prediction...Hurley will eat him before season's end.

chachiincharge said...

Just wanted to pop in here and recommend you guys check out "The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack." They are my go to source for everything Lost oriented. They are a son and stepfather team from Raleigh NC who just love to theorize and ramble about anything and everything that is Lost. They have been doing it for over two years now and have had amazing opportunities because of it such as they are good friends with Jorge Garcia (Hurley) whom loves their show. I think they even recently passed the Official Lost Podcast in terms of subscribers, so definitely worth checking out.

Jay pointed out that he knew right off the bat that it was a Hurley flashback as soon as the car was seen. That is because it was a Camaro, the one Hurley and his dad built together. Pretty cool easter egg.

Also I would also recommend you guys go to and check out 13 "Missing Pieces" mobisodes the Lost crew made to promote the premiere. They are only about three min. a piece and they don't really resolve any questions, but the last one in particular is really cool and actually leaves me theorizing Christian Shepard's role in all this.

Brian Mulligan said...

You've spoiled my source for all the Hurley-related tidbits. Damn you Chachi, damn you.

Yep, I also listen to "The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack." Some good stuff. If you're a true Lost obsessive you'll love it.

Also, Kelly and I have been watching most all the "Webisodes" too and I was underwhelmed with them actually... but that said, I haven't watched the last one with Christian Shephard yet. So maybe that one will make them all worthwhile? Who knows? I'll definitely go track it down though.

chachiincharge said...

There were some down right bad webisodes particularly with Doc Arzt, but there were some good ones. They couldn't do too much since they have to leave the real stuff for the show itself, but they whet my appetite during the long hiatus. And like I said the last one will having you interpreting things differently from now on.

Brian Mulligan said...

Ty... you were right, I was wrong. That "So It Begins" webisode was the type of mind-blowing "Lost" tidbit that I have come to expect from the show. And whereas most of the other webisodes failed to really add much to the story, that one is definitely one I'll be turning over in my mind all the way until the end of the series. Brilliant!

Now, bring on S4, E2: "Confirmed Dead"!

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