Friday, February 29, 2008

Lost - S4, E5: "The Constant"

Season 4, Episode 5 - "The Constant"


chachiincharge said...

I thought this episode was the best this season and one of the best episodes they have ever done.

Desmond's "Flashes Before your Eyes" was an episode that played you perception of time and reality. This episode cemented those ideas and brings scifi to the forefront of this series. We understand that time travel is possible within this world, but only that of your consciousness. It very much reminded me of Slaughterhouse Five. Desmond is unstuck in Time and seems to be able to alter his present situation by altering his past. Unbelievable.

-Jeremy Davies deserves not only an Emmy, but a flippin Oscar for best guest star on TV

-Supporting stars of 3:10 to Yuma and Rambo arrive

-Fisher Stevens better have more to do. Johnny Five still needs to be built.

-Anyone else noticed the room got dusty during Desmond and Penelope's reunion

-We still don't know how Desmond gets dishonorably discharged

-within 45 seconds...we find out that a Hanso relative had the Black Rock's journal in their possession, but now Charles Widmore has bought them. Say What!

-Why does Penelope want to keep Desmond away?

-My constant would be delicious love, past, present and future

Brian Mulligan said...

Agreed. "The Constant" has been the best of an already very good beginning to Season 4. I'm glad they gave Desmond a storyline and some more motivation for getting back home to Penny because I was starting to worry for the poor Scottish guy's fate. But after toying around with the idea of killing him off in "The Constant," I'd say he's probably good for the rest of the season at least. Good news to me since he's still my favorite character on the show.

I feel like this episode, maybe more than any other this season, really lead somewhere. We're on the freighter now. We have more of an idea where we are headed and I highly doubt that either Sayid or Desmond would be flying back to the island anytime soon. Michael should pop up within the next episode or two and hopefully bring a few more answers with him... especially about Walt's position in all this.

As for this episode in itself, I loved the way the writers again found a new way to tease their "flashback" gimmick into something else, instead making them a form of time travel (complete with kickass transitions).

Never felt like the room was getting a little dusty on this one... probably because I was a little perplexed about the Desmond/Penny backstory. More so now than I had been, the story just confused me too much to think about how moving it was that they finally got to talk to one another again. Still, their love story is the only one on the island that I'm behind 100% though, now that Charlie's dead at least. But did anyone else get the sense that the 'flashback' scene is the last time Desmond saw Penny before he went off on that sailing excursion? But how does that make sense in the timeline if Desmond went sailing to prove to Penny's dad that he was worthy? And why did Penny's dad give Desmond her address if he doesn't want her to have anything to do with him? I guess maybe it wasn't the last time Penny and Desmond talked... but that's how the scene came across and that's why I was too lost in my own thoughts to be rationally thinking whether this was a cry-worthy moment or not.

Other than all that, we only get fleeting scenes with the new freighter people and only a handful of scenes with the Losties on the island. Which is good, the episode felt very focused and gave you more of a bearing on Jeremy Davies' character as well (loved the reveal at the end, as usual). I would agree that a handful of the freighter people have been welcome additions to the cast, but Davies right now is the standout. He's also probably the most important person that's been introduced that can clue us in on some of the "scientific" secrets of the island.

Oh.... and I can't wait for that dude to meet the smoke monster. How awesome is that gonna be?

Rebecca said...

Yes yes, I agree with everything everyone's said so far.

Just a few more thoughts:

-Is Fischer Stevens' character dead? If so, that sucks cause I thought he'd play more of a role.

-Whoever left the door open for the guys to get out on the freighter is Ben's mole on board the ship and my guess is it's Michael...but maybe not.

-Didn't see any dust in that room either.

-I'm loving the time travel through the mind....and the whole "I'll call you xmas eve in 8 years" yeah, not a tear jerker moment for me but definitely pulled on the old heart strings.

bridetobe said...

I agree with Mully that the whole Desmond timeline is confusing. His story is definately the most intriguing because of the manipulation of time and the genuine love story between he and Penny.
Based on Desmond's previous flashback, he breaks off his engagement with Penny because he's supposedly going on that sailing excursion across the world to prove to her dad that he's worthy. But in this episode, he goes to see Penny and hasn't gone on it yet? Wouldn't she have asked him why he hadn't left yet? Maybe there wasn't much time between the two flashbacks. To us, it seemed like years or maybe months? but really maybe he had just broken it off with her? I dont know. Did anyone else get the sense that it had been a long while before he had put off the engagement?

In addition, I'm also wondering why Penny's dad gave Desmond her address. He did tell Desmond that he needed to hear it from Penny herself that he neede to move on.

I'm sure it's just us though. The writers are brilliant so it's highly unlikely they've made a mistake. I trust that their story makes sense and adds up in the end. We're getting bits and pieces all out of order so naturally it's going to be confusing and generate more questions.

Am I the only one who felt bad for that poor rat? haha.

Jeremey Davies character is definately entertaining--it's fun to see his excitment for learning new things about the island.

I think we can all agree that this has clearly been the best episode yet this season. Keep it coming...!

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